A community celebrating the adventures of female travellers everywhere.
Honeymoon Bay, Tasmania, Australia, December 2013
Hello, and a warm welcome to Globelle Travels, a community celebrating the adventures of female travellers!
The idea for Globelle Travels was the result of one solo female traveller receiving a fair few messages from friends and acquaintances asking about her experiences. These questions ranged from how she found travelling alone, to how she went about getting a job and place to live in a foreign country, to how she went about sorting out visas, to whether she felt safe when on the road. The sort of questions any first time traveller might have I guess. Over time, the volume of these messages increased and she realized that there wasn’t any one resource out there that potential female travellers could turn to.
From this, she felt there was a real need for a compilation of information from a variety of knowledgeable sources, which if you were a first time female traveller would make the prospect of exploring less daunting.
And voila, in April 2014, the concept of Globelle Travels was born.
The name 'Globelle Travels' was chosen to emphasise that we are accessible for women everywhere, and that our aim is to celebrate the daily achievements of all female travelers. Hopefully, by celebrating the truly amazing and inspiring women who take to the road, and sharing the wealth of their experiences, we can inspire more girls to take the plunge.
Since last year, the GT team and collection of wonderful contributors has grown. We consider anyone who shares our aims and passion for exploration to be a part of our community, and welcome them to come forward and contribute.
The photo above represents the moment, at Honeymoon Bay, Tasmania, one female traveller lost her heart well and truly to constant adventuring. Here at GT, we hope to inspire more moments like these, and celebrate all of our globelle gal’s who have been fortunate enough to experience something similar.
This is just the beginning of the adventure. We dream big here at HQ, and can’t wait to show you what we’ve got in store for the future. Keep your eyes peeled, and please don’t hesitate to get in contact if you’d like to contribute to our community!
For now though, have a look around, we hope you enjoy the website. As always, safe travels & GT love! x